
I am a history buff who graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a Minor in History. I hardly ever read fiction, but I devour history books.

Lately I’ve been reading a lot about the Mexican-American War (the Mexican War or U.S.-Mexican War as it is also called) and the causes leading up to the conflict (e.g., Texas Independence from Mexico). I don’t recall ever covering this conflict in history classes in high school or college with enough depth to really understand its meaning and relevance today. I was born in Mexico and live in Texas, so I am surrounded by all of the echoes that stem from this event, which shaped the faith of the two countries and also how “Americans” and “Mexicans” in the U.S. relate to each other up until today. There’s a lot of meaning from this event, I think, to be applied today and to think about in terms of the future of many critical issues for Anglos and people of Mexican ancestry in the U.S.

As such, I decided that I am going to read up, visit historical places, and talk to people to learn something significant about this event and my own identity. This blog will be sort of a “scrapbook” of my learnings, a curating of lots of relevant content online, for all to see and perhaps to help others better understand the Mexican-American War and what it means for us today.

You can contact me at ignacio [dot] gonzalez [dot] tx [at] gmail [dot] com.

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